The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support Factors on Public Service Innovation Outcomes: Evidence from Bangladesh


รศ.พ.ต.ท.ดร.เกษมศานต์ โชติชาครพันธุ์, Mr.Mst. Shumshunnahar


ASEAN Journal of Management & Innovation


This quantitative research study aims to assess the influence of the factors of perceived organizational support on public service innovation outcomes in Bangladesh, where public organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to provide adequate services on the back of growing demands amid a rising population. The support factors considered in this study include team cohesion, rewards and recognition, technological support and replication scope. Data was collected through a structured survey questionnaire distributed to innovation team members at the district and ‘upazila’administrative levels. 372 questionnaires were validated. The concept of ‘Innovation Teams’ emerged in 2010, when the Bangladesh government issued a circular to form ‘Work Improvement Teams’ in all ministries, divisions, departments, and field administration, which were later turned into innovation team. A series of test, including the Kaier-Meyer-Oklin Test and the Bartlett’s Test for Homogeneity of Variance, were conducted for content homogeneity, acceptability, and reliability. Results from the multiple regression analysis showed that each of the factors of perceived organizational support had a positive impact of on public service innovation outcomes. Recommendations to policy formulators for building a solid strategy and expanding perceived organizational support to boost public service innovation outcomes were made.

(2565). The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support Factors on Public Service Innovation Outcomes: Evidence from Bangladesh. ASEAN Journal of Management & Innovation, 9(1), 90-101.