A Qualitative Study on the relationship between Public Service Motivation and Job Performance through Person-Organization Fit Variable


รศ.ดร.บุญอนันต์ พินัยทรัพย์, น.ส.Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy


Songklanakarin Journal of Management Science


Public service motivation (PSM) is individuals’ orientation and willingness to do good for other people and society. This motivation is expected to contribute to increased employee performance in public organizations while person-organization fit (P-O fit) is assumed to mediate the linkage of PSM and job performance. This study aims to analyze the linkage of PSM with job performance through the mediation effect of the P-O fit variable. Qualitative research was employed by using an in-depth interview method with 8 key informants including one chairman of the People’s Committee, one chairwoman of the People’s Committee, two deputy chief of office, 2 heads of division, and 2 directors of the Legal Department drawn from public organizations under the supervision of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Data were analyzed by using a thematic approach. The findings indicated that PSM played an important role in enhancing employee’s performance in the public sector and the P-O fit variable greatly influenced that relationship. These results will enable public managers to find more opportunities to enhance PSM to improve performance effectively.

(2565). A Qualitative Study on the relationship between Public Service Motivation and Job Performance through Person-Organization Fit Variable . Songklanakarin Journal of Management Science, 39(2), 1-20.