Ph.D. in Computer Science & Information Systems (International Program)


The NIDA Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS) is distinguished by the excellence of the faculty and pioneering research, covering all areas of computer science and information system, such as artificial intelligence, computer graphics, systems, security, natural language processing, high performance computing and information system management. The school with its new advanced research laboratory housing cutting-edge equipment and student workspace provides an exceptionally open and friendly atmosphere that encourages the sharing of ideas across all areas.

  • Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS) provides an educational environment that encourages students to develop their ability to contribute to the advancement of the fields. While maintaining our depth in theory as well as cutting-edge technologies and developments, the program emphasizes students’ ability to carry out independent research by synthesizing non-trivial, original ideas; and communicating their research effectively through high-quality publications and dissertations.
  • The program targets those students with research interests in topics generally associated with computer science and information systems. The area of concentration consists of artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer network and security, multimedia and image processing, computer graphics and animation, database systems, information systems management, user interface design, information security management, knowledge management, software architectures, and distributed and parallel computing.
หลักสูตรนานาชาติ ภาษาอังกฤษ
คณะสถิติประยุกต์ นิด้า
48 / 54 หน่วยกิต
343,500 บาท
กำลังเปิดรับสมัคร รุ่นที่Ph.D. CSIS 2/66
เปิดรับสมัคร Until October 7, 2023


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ohm Sornil


school Video Cover


Ph.D. in CSIS is distinguished by the excellence of the faculty and pioneering research, covering all areas of computer science and information system and its new advanced research laboratory housing cutting-edge computing equipment and student workspace provides an exceptionally open and friendly atmosphere that encourages the sharing of ideas across all areas.


LC 4003 Advanced Integrated English Language Skills Development
LC 6000 Advanced Reading and Writing in English for Graduate Studies
CI 4009 Research Methods in Computer Science and Information Systems
CI 7901 Advanced Database
CI 8901 Seminar in Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Information Systems
CI 7902 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CI 7903 Advanced Computer Architectures
CI 7904 Management for Information Systems
CI 7905 Information System Assessment
CI 7906 Advanced Computer Networks
CI 7907 Artificial Intelligence
CI 7908 Machine Learning
CI 7909 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
CI 7910 Deep Learning
CI 7911 Cognitive Systems
CI 7912 Intelligent Robotics
CI 7913 Big Data Analytics
CI 7914 Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics
CI 7915 Image Analytics
CI 7916 Cloud Computing
CI 7917 Blockchain: Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications
CI 7918 Internet of Things
CI 7919 Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
CI 7920 Computer Graphics and Animation
CI 7921 Computer Vision
CI 7922 Wireless and Mobile Communications
CI 7923 Parallel Computing
CI 7924 Compiler Construction
CI 7925 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
CI 7926 Theory of Computation
CI 7927 Cryptography
CI 7928 Information Systems Auditing
CI 7929 Software Design and Architectures
CI 7930 Digital Transformation
CI 7931 Agile Information Systems Development
CI 7932 Information Systems Performance Measurement
CI 7933 Cyber Security and Information Security Management
CI 7934 Information Security Risk Management
CI 7935 Human Computer Interaction Management
CI 7936 Software Testing
CI 8902 Readings in Computer Science and Information Systems
CI 8903-8910 Selected Topics in Computer Science and Information Systems
CI 9000 Independent Study
CI 9900 Dissertation



Plan 1.1 Around 343,500 Baht, Plan 2.1 Around 433,500 Baht

Academic and Administrative fee(You must pay in every semester)4,000
Tuition feeper Credit6,000
Technology service fee(You must pay in every semester)1,000
Computer Laboratory fee(You must pay in every semester)500
Library fee1,000
Qualifying exam 1,000


1. Applicants hold degrees in Mathematics, Statistics, Applied Statistics, Management Science, Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Decision Science, Social Science, Business Administration, Economics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Information Systems Management or related fields from a university or institution accredited by the Commission on Higher Education. Excellent academic records and good proficiency in English are required.
2. Applicants who graduated from abroad must provide a letter of accreditation for the received degrees that is issued by Commission on Higher Education. For Thai applicants, the letter must be submitted prior to interview examination. For international applicants, the letter can be submitted after an enrollment as students in the program.
3. Unless applicants are native English speakers or have obtained their bachelor’s and/or master’s degrees not more than five years from international academic institutions where English was the language of instruction and study, they are required to submit a test score of either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or TOEFL/ITP or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The minimum TOEFL score is 550 for the paper–and–pencil test or 213 for the computer-based test or 79 for the Internet based test. For TOEFL/ITP, the minimum score is 550 and for the IELTS, the minimum score is 6.5 points.
4. Applicants, who do not meet the English proficiency requirements in 3 but acquire the TOEFL score at 450-549 for the paper-and-pencil test, or 174 – 212 for computer-based test, or 65 -78 for the Internet based test, or 450 – 549 for TOEFL/ITP, or 5.5 – 6.4 points for IELTS, may be accepted to the program.
However, they must register for English courses in accordance with the requirement of the curriculum on remedial courses and are required to resubmit the TOEFL/ITP score of 530 or above prior to their graduation from the program. Only TOEFL/ITP, arranged by NIDA is acceptable for the application process.


เปิดรับสมัคร Until October 7, 2023



082-7901940 @nidaadmission