Ph.D. in English Language Studies and Teaching (International Program)

Ph.D. in English Language Studies and Teaching (International Program)Track 2 (2.1)

“This Ph.D. Program aims to develop interdisciplinarity, internatinality, inquisitive-mind and independent learning in English Language Studies and Teaching (ELST)”
  • Interdisciplinary knowledge and skill in English language studies and teaching
  • Professional development for English language policy makers, lectures and researchers
  • Opportunities to attend classes online especially for those outside Thailand
  • Tuition scholarships
หลักสูตรเรียนในเวลาราชการ ภาษาอังกฤษ
คณะภาษาและการสื่อสาร นิด้า
57 หน่วยกิต
429,500 บาท
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Asst.Prof.Dr. Savitri Gadavanij

School of Language and Communication, NIDA


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The program also aims to groom student to think critically, to have inquisitive mind and be intellectually curious. It intends to produce graduates who are independent learners with skills to learn and develop new things by themselves. The program also adheres to international quality assurance in terms of academic rigor and academic integrity. It also aims to broaden students’ international perspectives by exposing them to a rich diversity of international academic literature (i.e., course books, journals), topics, issues and activities that provoke students to think beyond their cultural boundaries and observe not only global differences but also commonalties within the realm of English language studies and teaching. Such international outlooks should enable them to better understand this increasingly interconnected and interdependent world full of changes yet filled with new learning opportunities.



Track 2(2.1)
A. Foundation Course (3 credits)
PLT 5000 Advanced Academic and Research Writing

B. Core Courses (3 credits)
PLT 6001 Theoretical Approaches to English Language Studies and Teaching

C. Research Methodology Courses (6 credits)
PLT 6002 Qualitative Research in English Language Studies and Teaching
PLT 6003 Quantitative Research in English Language Studies and Teaching

D. Elective Courses (6 credits)
The offering/opening of elective is dependent upon the determination of the program’s committee.

English Language Studies Courses​
PLT 7101 Analyzing Spoken English Language
PLT 7102 Discourse Studies and Research
PLT 7103 Intercultural and Cross-cultural Pragmatics in English
PLT 7104 Language in Society
PLT 7105 Studies in Language and Media
PLT 7106 Stylistics
PLT 7107 Theoretical Approaches to Genre Studies

English Language Teaching Courses​
PLT 7201 Second Language Acquisition
PLT 7202 English Language Teaching Theories and Practices
PLT 7203 Critical Issues in English Language Teaching
PLT 7204 Teaching English as a Global Language
PLT 7205 Language, Identity Ideology and Discourse in English Language Teaching
PLT 7206 Institutional Discourse for Language Practitioners
PLT 7207 Translation Studies in English Language Teaching

​Directed Studies
PLT 7300 Directed Studies

E. Seminar Course (3 credits)
PLT 8000 Seminar in English Language Studies and Teaching

F. Dissertation (36 credits)
PLT 9901 Dissertation (36 credits)





  1.  Thai and/or international applicants holding of a Master’s Degree in English, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, TESOL, or other related fields from an accredited institution, with the GPA of 3.25 or higher (for applicants to Ph.D. program Track 1[1.1] and Track 2[2.1]).
  2. Thai and/or international applicants holding of a Bachelor’s Degree with first class honors in English, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, TESOL, or other related fields from an accredited institution (for applicants to M.A. continuing to Ph.D. program Track 2[2.2]).
  3. All applicants, whose native language is not English, must prove sufficient English proficiency by submitting results of either the TOEFL or IELTS (Academic) scores:
    o Obtaining a minimum TOEFL/ITP score of 600, or iBT score of 94, or an IELTS (Academic) of 7.0 for Track 1(1.1) applicants
    o Obtaining a minimum TOEFL/ITP score of 580, or iBT score of 79 or an IELTS (Academic) of 6.5 for Track 2(2.1) and 2(2.2) applicants
    The test must have been taken not more than 2 years prior to the application date.
    o Note: If applicants submit their TOEFL/ITP scores for admission in academic year 1/2023, the results of the test administered by either NIDA will be considered. The test results (i.e., test scores) must be valid for 2 years after the test date. If applicants do not yet have English proficiency test results, they will be considered for admission as provisional students.


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