Master of Economics Program in Business Economics

Non - Office hour Programs

Driving your business with economics.

  • Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in any fields.
  • Only interview examination.
Master’s Programs
Graduate School of Development Economics
Non - Office hour Programs
Graduate School of Development Economics
36 credits Credit
210,000 Baht
Estimated expenses throughout the program
Currently Open
Currently Open : Apply now

Program Director

Asst. Prof. Thasanee Satimanon, Ph.D.

Ph.D. (Agricultural, Food, Resource Economics) Michigan State University, USA Research Interests: Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, Game Theory, Labor Economics

National Institute of Development Administration

Key Features of the Program

– Taught for over 55 years with continuous improvement of the curriculum.
– Learning through practice.
– Taught by 100% doctoral-level professors.
– Option to choose between research or business consulting.
– Enhance experience with guest lecturers from the industry.

Course Syllabus

– Project Planning and Management
– Digital Technology in Business and Economy
– Data Analytic for Business Decision
– Sustainable Business and Policy


Tuition fees

Estimated expenses throughout the program 210,000 baht (Including student Activity Fee)

Tuitions fees per semester 4,500 baht per credit
Estimated expenses throughout the program210,000

Applicant Qualifications

1) Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from educational institutions
both locally and internationally accredited by Office of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation or the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC), or organizations that have certification standards or academic standings recognized and approved by the Council of the Institute.
2) The applicant should not have serious communicable diseases that will be obstacles to study the program and have a medical certificate issued by a medical physician who is actively licensed for Practice of the Art of Healing.
3) The applicant should have good behavior.
4) Pass the selection examination according to the criteria and methods specified by the institute.
5) Gain at least one year of work experience after completing a Bachelor’s degree.


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082-7901940 @nidaadmission