Resolution, Vision, and Mission

Resolution, Vision, and Mission

NIDA council convened on June 29, 2022 at the 6th meeting of 2022 and approved the five-year strategic development plan (2023 – 2027) as follows:


“WISDOM for Sustainable Development”

The Birth of “Wisdom”

Over the past 15 years, NIDA’s philosophy “Wisdom for Change” had transformed into “Wisdom for Sustainable Development” as the Institute realizes that NIDA must further reflect its role to encompass, in addition to change, wisdom for sustainable development in the society in the international stage. This comprises three main roles: first is creating societal wisdom and development; second is cultivating global leaders for the 21st century; and three is providing social contributions.


Conceived by H.M. King Bhumipol Adulyadej (King Rama IX), NIDA has therefore strictly adhered to the royal speech given at the Institute’s very first commencement ceremony for graduation on November 19, 1970 as the guiding principles for transferring knowledge and integrity for the creation of wisdom, conscience, social responsibility, and public accountability. These principles aim to create continuous development, concentrating on high quality education and ensuring that Thailand has the capabilities and potential in handling global changes and competitions. The following is an excerpt from such speech.

…to all graduates, you are a highly competent and capable individual. Owing to this, you are Thai people’s hope including me. We count on you for your intellect, wisdom, and abilities in leading the country to stability and prosperity. We ask that you accept this honorable duty with conviction, determination, and morality. We will together perform our duties, whether small or big, and accomplish our goals with perseverance, honesty, and integrity toward oneself and the people…

Mission Statements

To realize NIDA’s vision, the missions that must be accomplished are the following:

  1. Cultivate leaders with wisdom and integrity for national development.
  2. Create knowledge and research in development administration.
  3. Provide valuable academic services for national development.
  4. Promote value and mindset for national development on the strong foundation of Thailand’s art and culture.
  5. Promote good governance focusing on development and citizen participation.
  6. Contribute to society for sustainable development.


“International Institute for Societal Wisdom and Cultivation of Leaders for Sustainable Development”
The vision transpires onto three expected outcomes:

  1. Wisdom for Sustainable Development
  2. Leaders for Future Changes
  3. Contributions for Community and Society

Strategies and Goals

  1. Strategy 1: To promote research, innovation, and academic services in order to bring about sustainable development for the Institute and the country.
  2. Strategy 2: To develop project-based degree programs and data analytics for management and decision-making.
  3. Strategy 3: To promote lifelong learning in various accessible channels and methods for all.
  4. Strategy 4: To drive change with new digital technology and open governance.
  5. Strategy 5: To promote internationalization of academic collaboration.
  6. Strategy 6: To create commitment and engagement from stakeholders and to mobilize resources for the development of the Institute and society.

Core Competencies
“Excellence in development administration that responds to the development of organization, community, and society at both national and international levels.”

Authority and Responsibility

Established by H.M. King Bhumipol Adulyadej (King Rama IX) who foresaw the significance of higher education in the country in the administration of national development, NIDA aims at educating, training, building, developing, integrating, applying, and disseminating knowledge and research, and offering academic services in development administration and its related fields. Furthermore, NIDA develops and encourages the collaborative network with external entities; promotes and maintains integrity, art, culture; as well as conserves and advocates for the environment. NIDA focuses on academic excellence and produces world-class graduates who possess knowledge and integrity in order to create wisdom and public responsibility and accountability. These wisdoms and values are what drive sustainable development efforts that are enduring and effective in the changing world landscape and international competition.

Read the complete version of NIDA Act 2019 here.