Student Life
การเรียนรู้และกิจกรรมต่างๆ ในนิด้า
NIDA provides its scholars and students with state-of-the-art facilities, including a Living & Digital Library, modern classrooms and conference rooms, computer labs, a robust Wi-Fi network, sports facilities, the NIDA Sampan building (parking), and more.
NIDA features a specialized library dedicated to social science studies, equipped with the latest technology and resources to support lifelong learning and resource sharing.
Living & Digital Library
Student Life
การเรียนรู้และกิจกรรมต่างๆ ในนิด้า
With innovative classrooms and advanced equipment, NIDA is well-equipped to meet the evolving demands of today’s academic environment, accommodating various modes of instruction—onsite, online, and hybrid—in settings of all sizes.
NIDA operates four computer labs, three of which are designated for classroom instruction, while one lab is available for walk-in students. The other labs can also be accessed when the walk-in lab reaches capacity, provided that no classes are in session.
Computer Room Service
Recreation & Wellness
Wi-Fi Service
บริการเครือข่ายไร้สาย (WI-FI)
To support its faculty and students, NIDA offers free access to NIDA net and the internet on personal laptops and Wi-Fi-enabled devices, requiring a NetID for identification. There are a total of 120 wireless access points across the campus, allowing users to check service status.
NIDA promotes physical well-being by providing facilities for various physical activities, including an indoor gymnasium, outdoor fields, and a fitness center.
Recreation & Wellness
Health Service
First-aid medical services are available daily from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and on Saturday and Sunday, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Medical examinations by internal medicine physicians are offered every Monday and Wednesday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, while psychiatric consultations are available every Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Note: Services are not available on public holidays.
Commuting to the NIDA campus by personal vehicle is convenient, as NIDA offers over 1,000 parking spaces. This includes a seven-story parking facility with capacity for more than 700 vehicles and a two-story underground parking area at the Navamindhrathiraj Building with over 400 spaces. Additional parking is also available outside various campus buildings.
Furthermore, to encourage the use of alternative energy, NIDA has installed four electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, branded “EA Anywhere,” for the use of students and staff. This initiative is part of NIDA’s commitment to reducing fuel oil consumption, thereby minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.
Recreation & Wellness
Student Dormitory
On-campus housing is available for students and staff, including:
- 56 rooms in the Boonchana Attakorn Building (11th and 12th floors)
- 34 rooms in the NIDA House Building
For more information, please contact +668 2782 8942 during office hours.
Directions to NIDA
By Car
Via Ramkhamhang Road, go straight through Lamsali intersection. Once at Banma junction, turn left onto Sriburapa Road, and turn left again once at NIDA intersection. NIDA will be on your left.
Via Latprao Road, drive past Bangkapi Market onto Seri Thai Road. Once reaching NIDA intersection, NIDA will be on your right.
Via Ramintra Road, turn onto Nawamin or Seri Thai Road toward Bangkapi. Once reaching NIDA intersection, NIDA will be on your left.
By Bus
Public bus numbers: 36ก, 60, 71, 151, ปอ (AC) 60, ปอ (AC) 501 + Minibus number: 27,
By Boat
Via Sansaeb Canal at Wat Sriboonreung Pier