NIDA Delegates Visit Monash University, Australia

NIDA Delegates Visit Monash University, Australia

            On May 3, 2023, Prof. Dr. Tippawan Lorsuwannarat – President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sombat Kusumawalee – Vice President for Academic and International Affairs; Prof. Dr. Medhi Krongkaew – NIDA Advisory Board Member for International Affairs; and Asst. Prof. Dr. Aree Manosuthikit – Assistant to the President for International Affairs, received a very warm and hospitable welcome by Monash University’s delegates, consisting of:

· Professor Susan Elliott AM – Provost & Senior Vice-President, Office of the Provost & Senior Vice-President
· Professor Sharon Pickering – Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Senior Vice President (Education), Portfolio of the DVC & Vice President (Education)

Faculty of Business & Economics:
· Professor Michaela Rankin – Deputy Dean International and Accreditation

Global Engagement:
· Ms. Michelle Hoodbhoy – Director, Transnational Education & Channel Development, Office of DVC (Global Engagement)
· Ms. Annette Pitcher – Senior International Relations and Agreements Manager, Office of DVC (Global Engagement)

            Both sides had a very cordial and engaging discussion for future collaboration. The meeting also led to an understanding that we share similar concerns for students and society’s public benefits (e.g., technology-enhanced learning spaces, responsible education linked to SDGs, capacity development, etc.), and that our mutual interests for collaboration involve joint research and double-degree programs. The meeting was followed by a campus tour, given by Ms. Yvonne Wang – International Protocol Officer, in which we witnessed impressive teaching and learning practices. The NIDA delegates look forward to having a strong partnership with Monash University in the near future.