Virtual Meeting for Academic Collaboration with Le Mans Université, France

Virtual Meeting for Academic Collaboration with Le Mans Université, France

            On October 17, 2023, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aree Manosuthikit – Assistant to the President for International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Prapin Nuchpiam – Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs, Graduate School of Law, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anukal Chiralaksanakul – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Business Administration, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Patthareeya Lakpetch – Director of Research Bureau NIDA, Dr. Gorn Huvanandana – Associate Director of Research Bureau NIDA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Witchuda Srang-iam – President of NIDA Faculty Senate and Director of Master of Science Program in Sustainability Science and Management, Graduate School of Environmental Development, and NIDA’s staffs attended the virtual meeting via Zoom Meeting program, together with Associate Professor Dr. Eric Bidet – Faculty of Law Economics and Management, Le Mans Université, France. This is a preliminary meeting aiming to introduce each other and explore a broad scope of possible academic collaboration between both institutions. This includes, for example, a student exchange and student internship program both in Thailand and France. Both sides look forward to engaging in academic activities (esp., student exchange and student internship activities) and having a fruitful collaboration in the near future.