On July 5, 2023, Assistant Professor Dr. Aree Manosuthikit – Assistant to the President for International Affairs, Associate Professor Dr. Anukal Chiralaksanakul – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Business Administration (GSBA), Ms. Nipa Chumsuk – Director of International Relations and Corporate Communication Division, Ms. Suwaree Kaskasame – Director of Education Service Division, along with GSBA and OIA Foreign Relations Officers, attended the virtual meeting via Zoom Meetings program, together with Professor Dr. NIU Huayong – Dean, Dr. DONG Lili – Assistant Dean/Director of International Student Office and Ms. LIN Min – Deputy Director of International Student Office from International Business School from Beijing Foreign Studies University (IBS), the People’s Republic of China. This is a preliminary meeting aiming to introduce each other and explore a broad scope of possible academic collaboration between both institutions. This includes, for example, a student exchange program and business and culture tour in China. Both sides look forward to engaging in academic activities (esp., student exchange to begin with) and having a fruitful collaboration in the near future.