NIDA เยือน Australian National University

NIDA Delegates Visit Australian National University (ANU), Australia

            On May 2, 2023, Prof. Dr. Tippawan Lorsuwannarat – President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sombat Kusumawalee – Vice President for Academic and International Affairs; and Asst. Prof. Dr. Aree Manosuthikit – Assistant to the President for International Affairs, visited the Australian National University campus and were warmly welcomed by Professor Janine O’Flynn – Director of the Crawford School of Public Policy; Assoc. Prof. Shiro Armstrong – Director of Australian-Japan Research Center; and Professor Peter Warr – Emeritus Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy.

            Both sides had a cordial and engaging discussion while exchanging ideas on the possibility for joint research collaboration, faculty and student exchanges, joint participation in conferences, PhD student symposia and the sharing of academic materials. Our sincerest appreciation goes to all the ANU delegates for making this meeting possible and a productive and satisfactory one.

NIDA เยือน Australian National University