
Website 国际学院


How does the International College of NIDA differ from others? ICO NIDA aims at being an interdisciplinary school by taking advantage of the inherent relationships among complementary subjects. The highlight is in the ‘international learning environment’ where ICO NIDA invites visiting professors from different countries for different courses so students learn interdisciplinary knowledge as well as discuss the contents based on multicultural perspectives. At ICO NIDA, all courses are conducted in international languages with 10 distinguished concentrations in the Master of Management program, and the Ph.D. program in Management. ICO NIDA also has several exchange and double-degree programs with partnered universities worldwide.

NIDA 国际学院与其他学院有何不同?NIDA 国际学院旨在通过利用互补学科之间的内在联系,成为一所跨学科学院。其亮点在于“国际学习环境”,NIDA 国际学院邀请来自不同国家的访问教授开设不同的课程,使学生学习跨学科知识,并基于多元文化视角讨论课程内容。在 NIDA 国际学院,所有课程都以国际语言授课,管理硕士课程和博士课程有10个专业方向。NIDA国际学院还与世界各地的合作伙伴大学有多个交换和双学位课程。
school Video Cover

Admission Admission


Master’s Programs

International Program

Master’s Programs

Doctoral Programs

Office - hour Programs

Doctoral Programs

International Program

Doctoral Programs

Master’s Programs

Office - hour Programs

Master’s Programs

Non - Office hour Programs

Double Degree Program

Office - hour Programs

Double Degree Program

Non - Office hour Programs

Double Degree Program

International Program

Double Degree Program

Training Programs

Office - hour Programs

Training Programs

Non - Office hour Programs

Training Programs

International Program

Training Programs

我选择来 ICO NIDA 学习,因为课程非常适合那些在工作时间之外和周末学习的人,而且是国际课程,在各个学科中获得来自顶尖大学的国际教授的知识,结识了来自不同国家的朋友,整个课程都是用英语授课,从教学中获得的许多知识,教科书或学习中的案例都是新的案例,非常有用,可以很好地应用到物联网等工作中,谈判原则,国际商业和营销计划等。
Alumni Image Profile
Wichit Sopitanonrat 先生


Seri Thai 路148号,Khlong Chan 街道,Bang Kapi 区,
曼谷 10240