Virtual Meeting for Potential Academic Collaboration with Universities in Japan

Virtual Meeting for Potential Academic Collaboration with Universities in Japan

            On October 4, 2023, Assistant Professor Aree Manosuthikit, PhD – Assistant to the President for International Affairs, Assistant Professor Prapin Nuchpiam, PhD – Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs, Graduate School of Law, and an OIA staff member attended the virtual meeting via ZOOM program, together with Mr. Jim Huang – Chief Executive Officer from Peel Lab Inc. and Lecturer in entrepreneurship at Kansai University and Ritsumeikan University, Japan. This is a preliminary meeting aiming to introduce each other and explore a broad scope of collaboration between both institutions, which includes, for example, faculty and student exchanges, joint research, student’s internship, and plans for campus visits to NIDA, etc. Both sides look forward to having a fruitful collaboration in the near future.