The objectives of this study were to study the phenomena of
“Pak NamPo” Chinese New YearFestival inheritanceeachtime during
a century; not only the tradition, but also the Thai-Chinese ethnic,
toanalyzeitsfactorsof theinheritanceand tostudythe waytoinherited
adaptationfor being strong identityinthefuture.28 Keyinformantsare
purposivesampling from 3 groupsof stakeholders.
Study results showed that the criterion of transportation
and communication technology can be divided period into 3 era.
1.Water route and Railway (1917-1947) 2.Land transport (1948-
1982) 3.Land transport and Information or Virtual cyber Technology
Thai-Chinese ethnic identity reflects through “Pak Nam
Po” Chinese New Year Festival, also divides to three generation.
“Theancestor” is theclonof their parent’scultureinthenew territory.
“The parent generation” is the successor of their parent’s culture.
“The descendant”istheone whoconsumefreely byhimself.Thesecan
be passed on Socialization ; Family, Group Friend, School, Religious
and Medium.
Therelevant factorsare Clothing, Resident,Food,Language,
Ritual, Traditional Media, New Media and Community Media.
The irrelevant factors are Communication Technology, Politic,
Economic, Social, and Academic. Furthermore the conclusion of
Identity’s Transmitting can explain by the concept of the tree’s value.
This is to keep the essence (Belief or Faith), to adapt the alburnum
(Ritual Adaptation) and to revive the bark concept (Create or Apply the events suitably).
The organizers; which named is Thao Nung,
who altogether set theme, events, activity’s table time. They consider
who will get the benefit and what ritual will be applied or hybridized.
Theyalsolead PakNamPocommunity participants;Chinese,Thai,Mon,
Lao, Vietnamese and Indian Muslim to realized the collective identity
of Chinese New Year Festival in Pak Nam Po. Moreover they integrate
by negotiation, substitution, addition and hybridization.
(2559). การสืบทอดอัตลักษณ์ชาวไทยเชื้อสายจีนที่สะท้อนผ่านประเพณีตรุษจีนปาดน้ำโพ จังหวัดนครสวรรค์ ในรอบหนึ่งศตวรรษ. วารสารนิเทศศาสตร์ธุรกิจบัณฑิตย์, 10(1), 11-38.